Our Membership

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We all like things that are free: beer, pizza, software, networking opportunities…

UP Members

UP has over 3000 individual members, and this number is steadily growing. Our membership consists of people with a broad array of skills and interests. The uniting factor is that they all work in Wellington’s ICT sector (or have at some point), and they’re keen to connect with other like-minded individuals.

UP embraces a no-cost philosophy. Our events are free to our members. Membership is also free. We aren’t owned by anyone, and we don’t push any one thing. We have no hidden agenda, but we do encourage active participation and attendance at events. Our objective is simple: to create a better environment for ICT professionals in Wellington.

UP members receive:

So what are you waiting for? Join UP now!

Member discounts

Want to get more involved?

If you have been to a few of our events, and think you’d like to get even more involved in the Wellington ICT community, you might like to think about assisting with UP events, or even joining the UP Executive Committee. Contact a committee member if you’d like to get involved.

Leaving us?

As per our Privacy Policy and under our society rules, a Member is able to end their membership by providing written notice. You can do this by contacting us.
If you choose to end your membership with UP your personal information will be deleted if you so request.