Privacy Policy

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Last updated: July 2010

This privacy policy describes the information that Unlimited Potential (‘UP’, ‘we’, ‘our’) will collect from you when you become a member of UP (“Member”) and/or visit the UP Website (up.org.nz).

Your personal information

UP collects and holds personal information from you when you join as a Member. This is so we can contact you in relation to UP, UP events and for statistical purposes. For example, when you register an account this will include your name, contact email address and other contact details. You can edit this information by logging into your account via the UP Website homepage.

If you visit the UP Website, we collect and store your IP address and the details of the pages visited for statistical purposes and to help improve the UP Website.

Privacy Settings

The default setting on your privacy settings is for all your personal information to remain private except your screen name, photo and bio. However, if you choose, your personal information can be made available to other Members, or made publicly available via the UP Website.

You may edit your privacy settings at any time by logging into your account via the UP Website homepage.

Use of personal information

Your personal information is used:

We may also use your publicly available personal information (eg, Twitter ID or contact email) to match and discover social network profiles which you publicly make available via other service providers.

Registering for an event

By registering for an event your name, company and contact email will be added to a database. We will let you know if this information may be shared with any event associates. If you are not already a Member, registering for an event will also register you as a Member.

Event media

UP encourages Members and media to record and publicise reviews of our events. UP may also record media at events. These reviews, media and other user generated content may include photos or video or other media which you appear in. UP request Members, where possible, tag their media with the event hash tag or similar and with any known user details to allow Members to review any user generated content which contains them. UP requests that content recorded at events be freely available to Members under a under the New Zealand Creative Commons Non-commercial Attribution Share-Alike license and/or linked to the relevant event page on the UP Website by way of tagging Flickr images with the event hash tag, or by posting a url link to the content in the event comments.

UP will respect reasonable requests to remove media on the UP Website where it is reported by Members.

Event reminders - unsubscribe

You may choose to unsubscribe from receiving event reminders and still remain a Member.

Ending your membership

Under our society rules, a Member is able to end their membership by providing written notice. You can do this by emailing .

If you choose to end your membership with UP your personal information will be deleted if you so request.

Disclosure of personal information

We understand that your personal information is important and will never sell, rent or lease our membership lists to third parties.

We may store and supply the information we collect from you with our service providers (for example, our third party email newsletter provider).

We may disclose your personal information without notice if we reasonably believe we are required to do so by law. We will endeavour to notify you as soon as possible if we are required to do so.

Your rights and choices

In accordance with your rights under the Privacy Act 1993, you may ask to see your personal information and ask to have any of it updated; corrected or deleted. We may ask you to verify your identity for such requests, to protect your privacy, and that of others.

Your password

You are responsible for all actions under your registered account and password. Therefore we do not recommend that you disclose your registered user login password to any one else.


When you use the UP Website, a cookie (a small text file) will be loaded onto your computer. You can change the settings on your browser so that you will not receive any cookies.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may change this policy.  We will endeavour to give you notice before the new version of the policy take effect by either emailing you with notice of the changed policy (sent to the email address you gave us when registering for membership) or by displaying a notice (for example, on the UP Website).


Please email if you have any questions about the personal information that we hold about you.